Public Space Protection Order, Bury St Edmunds - addition of a condition in relation to non congregation of vehicles

Audience: Residents and businesses

This consultation is now closed.

It was open from 16 January 2019 to 13 February 2019.

It is proposed to add the following condition to the existing Public Space Protection order in Bury St Edmunds:

No persons shall, within the restricted area, gather in groups of two or more motor vehicles for purposes other than simply parking which will cause or is likely to cause harassment, alarm and distress to others by performing any of these activities:

  1. Using a motor vehicle to race or perform stunts
  2. Repeatedly sounding horns and/or revving engines (as to cause a public nuisance)
  3. Playing music excessively loud (as to cause a public nuisance)
  4. Using foul or abusive language
  5. Using threatening, intimidating behaviour towards another person
  6. Causing obstruction on a public highway, or a publicly accessible space, whether moving or stationary.

Here are the links regarding the Overview and Scrutiny report (OAS/SE/19/05) and to the appendices as they appeared on our website in preparation for the meeting held on 9 January 2019. Please note the conditions in the report vary slightly as there were recommendations for slight amendment at the meeting which were agreed to be changed before going out to consultation. The consultation survey reflects the changes.

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