Public Spaces Protection Order - Forest Heath consultation

Audience: Residents and visitors

This consultation is now closed.

It was open from 20 February 2017 to 17 March 2017.

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 introduced a number of changes to the way that councils and the police can deal with local anti-social behaviour issues. Among the changes is the replacement of the Designated Public Place Order, Gating Orders, and Dog Control Orders with the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).

What is a PSPO?

A PSPO can be used to regulate activities in public places that have a detrimental effect on the local community. They can help by giving local councils and police additional powers to tackle antisocial behaviour in specific locations.

The proposed condition is explained below and we want to get your thoughts as to whether you think this is an appropriate use of a PSPO.

Dog control  

PSPOs will replace existing measures in relation to dog control in the Forest Heath area. At present, orders are in place that require dog walkers to clear up after their dogs under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. The council propose to include a fixed penalty fixed penalty for those who fail to pick up after their dog (the level agreed across Suffolk is £80).

We also propose that the order excludes dogs from entering certain locations that have been identified as those where there is the greatest risk of individuals contracting Toxocara Canin, an infection which can cause of blindness and may provoke rheumatic, neurological or asthmatic symptoms. We hope the order will prevent dogs from fouling within children’s play areas and certain fenced football pitch areas during football season (between the first week in August through to the second week in May).

Rather than council officers or police officers enforcing the order, it will be the responsibility of the community to report members of the public who are breaching the above conditions.

Please note, assistance dogs are exempt from this order.

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