Homelessness Reduction and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2018-2023

The West Suffolk Homelessness Reduction and Rough Sleeping strategy 2018-2023 was developed alongside our partners and is an important part of what we are doing across West Suffolk to prevent and reduce homelessness and to work towards ending rough sleeping. 

The Homelessness Reduction and Rough Sleeping strategy sets out West Suffolk Council’s vision which is to:

Deliver a focused and accessible service to prevent homelessness and assist homeless people to find a settled home.

The main objectives are to:

  1. provide a service with a focus on preventing or relieving homelessness ensuring those people have access to effective support services
  2. ensure that homeless people are supported to secure a settled home
  3. work collaboratively in finding housing solutions for those people threatened with homelessness.

In order to achieve these objectives, we have identified five priorities to deliver. These priorities have emerged from a combination of analysis of the outcomes of the first Homelessness Strategy, consultation with our partners and public, the changing national and local context which is a response to the ongoing welfare reforms and new legislation, in particular the Homelessness Reduction Act.

  • Priority one: Homelessness prevention
  • Priority two: Tackling rough sleeping
  • Priority three: Supporting vulnerable households
  • Priority four: Increasing accommodation options
  • Priority five: Supporting the implementation of welfare reforms

Progress against the Homelessness Reduction and Rough Sleeping Strategy delivery plan

When the strategy was adopted in 2019, a commitment was made to present Councillors with a review of the delivery plan. The delivery plan has been regularly monitored since it was adopted. It sets out progress that has been made along with some challenges that are being addressed. 

The coronavirus pandemic has presented challenges to our work with rough sleepers and those threatened with homelessness. However, it has also created the opportunity to support and accommodate former rough sleepers in innovative new ways as we work towards pathways to sustainable accommodation. 

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