Your community
Areas that are important to your community such as the location of local community centres, what grants are available to local or voluntary groups and who your local parish councillors are. You can find out what to do if you have any concerns about crime or antisocial behaviour in your community as well what to do in an emergency situation. We have also provided information about how to register births and deaths as well as details about cemeteries in the area.
More in Your community
- Sunnica Energy Farm
- Crime and safety
- How we can help
- Be winter ready
- Community centres and village halls
- Community governance review (CGR)
- Community right to challenge and bid
- Emergency planning
- Family learning
- Information, health and wellbeing support guide
- LifeLink
- Love Where You Live
- Mildenhall Hub
- MOTs
- Moving home
- Newmarket Vision
- Parish and neighbourhood plans
- Public space protection orders (PSPOs)
- Residents associations
- 17-18 Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds
- Volunteering
- Veterans Gateway
- West Suffolk Armed Forces Covenant
- Western Way Development
- Building Resilience and Nutrition fund