Love Where You Live

Love where you live logo

Do you want to make a positive difference to your community?

We can help!

Everyone wants to live somewhere that they love but we are all so busy it can be difficult to know where to start getting to know or improve your local area.

Love Where You Live is about putting you in the driving seat to improve your local environment and get to know your community. Love Where You Live covers a wide range of community activities, from organising a litter pick or community event to starting a residents’ group, supporting vulnerable neighbours or building a new play area.

Great British Spring Clean

Since 2016 millions of amazing #LitterHeroes have shown they love where they live by pledging to pick more that four millions bags of litter during the Great British Spring Clean - the nation's biggest mass-action environmental campaign. Last year we had over 300 volunteers taking part during March and April.

The Great British Spring Clean will take place from 21 March to 6 April, and West Suffolk Council will again be supporting the event with the loan of equipment.

You can choose to support as an individual, group or school by clicking the links below.

In a YouGov survey carried out on behalf of Keep Britain Tidy ahead of the Great British Spring Clean, more that 31.6 million people said 'litter-free' street would help them love where they live - and 72 per cent of UK adults said seeing litter makes them less proud of their neighbourhood.

So, if you want to protect our wildlife and the places you love, help West Suffolk Council by joining us as a volunteer or group this spring or at any time throughout the year.

How it's done

Since 2018 we have supplied over 1800 volunteers with litter pickers, high visibility waistcoats and a steady supply of bags for them to fill up with litter from around their local communities. These individuals along with many organised groups now regularly litter pick and organise their own events. We can provide support and a plentiful supply of bags for them all, whether doing a monthly litter pick, an annual spring clean or a helpful hour or two cleaning up their community (sometimes while walking the dog!)

If you are interested in organising a litter pick in your area then please visit our Arrange a litter pick page.

We can also lend you equipment if you would like to maintain your community green spaces and advise you if you would like to start a green fingered project, for example a community garden or help for people in your neighbourhood who find gardening difficult.

For wider community projects our Families and Communities team can offer help, advice and friendly links to other organisations who can welcome, advise and assist you. Please visit our Your community page for further details.

Just let us know what you've got planned or what you'd like to do and we'll tell you what we can do to support you!

Share your story

We would like to share your images and stories with the rest of West Suffolk to show what a great effort goes on day to day by our volunteers, and inspire others to contribute to their community one way or another. Use the Share Your Story form to upload your stories and images.

School resources

We have various resources for you to raise awareness of litter, including the Love Suffolk, Hate Litter school pack. This is a great resource for primary school teachers to promote the issues of litter in their school, as well as giving them tools, games and activities to organise their own litter picks and litter assemblies. The Suffolk schools recycling website has further resources, lesson plans and information on site visits.

If you would like to use the Love Where You Live on publicity for your project or event then please feel free to download our logo:

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