Greater focus proposed on a more sustainable West Suffolk

09 Jun 2023

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A new working group has been proposed to bring more ambition and focus to West Suffolk Council’s drive to tackle climate change and environmental issues across the district.

One of the first decisions proposed to West Suffolk Council’s Cabinet since the election will be the creation of the West Suffolk Environment and Sustainability Working Group.

The purpose will be to review the progress that West Suffolk Council has made in delivering its action plans to move to Net Zero. But it will also make recommendations to Cabinet on West Suffolk Council’s future role in protecting and enhancing the environment, and wider opportunities to support residents and businesses on their journey to net zero.

The working group will be a non-decision making body and will consist of eight members.

Cabinet will appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair and Group Leaders will appoint to the Working Group, with five members (including the Chair and Vice Chair of the Working Group) from The West Suffolk Working Partnership, and three members from the Conservative Group.

The working group’s recommendations and the rationale behind them will be published when presented to subsequent publicly accessible Cabinet meetings.

Cllr Cliff Waterman, Leader of West Suffolk Council, said: “Climate change is a global issue affecting us all and we all must do our part to help tackle it. I want West Suffolk Council to be more ambitious in its drive to not only play its part but to help communities and businesses do what they can too. These may be small or large changes depending on the person or organisation but it all adds up and will lead to a better future for us all.

“Sustainability is one of our major priorities which is why I wanted this to be one of the first challenges our new administration tackles. This will be a cross party working group that will look at what we are currently doing to reach net zero and how we can work to protect and improve our environment and make West Suffolk as a whole more sustainable. West Suffolk Council cannot do this alone and everyone has a role to play in tackling climate change.”

Cabinet will meet on 13 June to discuss the setting up of the West Suffolk Environment and Sustainability Working Group.

Posted in categories: press release, news, Environmental-news

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