‘Eye-opening’ youth conference on climate change

06 Jul 2023

Youth environment conference audience picture

Young people heard a key note speech by wildlife presenter and award winning photographer Megan McCubbin from BBC's SpringWatch at Suffolk's first youth conference on climate change hosted by the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership this week.

96 students aged 12 to 17 years from across the county attended the event held at West Suffolk College a day of discussions, workshops, networking and mutual-learning about all things climate change and tackling the climate emergency in Suffolk.

Members from West Suffolk Council's Energy and Environment Team attended along with other organisations from East Anglia , to help answer questions and pass on information.

Cllr Donna Higgins, West Suffolk Council Cabinet member for Families and Communities said,

‘The Youth Climate Change Conference at West Suffolk College has been a real eye opener, with some fabulous speeches and lots of information about local groups that are doing something to affect positive change. What is really inspiring, is the way that the young people themselves are responding to global issues. I'm going to spend a lot more time going round all of the stalls to find out exactly what the young people of today want to see happening.’

For more information visit Green Suffolk - Creating the Greenest County and our Environment pages.

Posted in categories: press release, news, environmental-news

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