West Suffolk EV fleet grows

22 Aug 2023

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West Suffolk Council has added four new electric vans to the fleet of work vehicles that are driven across the district delivering services.

The three Renault Kangoo vans and a Ford Transit van are easily spotted thanks to their livery, declaring the council’s commitment to combat climate change. The Kangoos are used by supervisors looking after things like cleansing, waste and street scene, and carry equipment and spares to jobs ranging from fly tipping alerts to litterbin maintenance. The Transit van visits businesses who use the council's commercial services, delivering and maintaining bins.

The difference in cost between diesel and EV replacement cost was met from the Decarbonisation Investment Fund set up by the council to work towards its target of being net zero by 2030, and save money as well as reducing emissions.

Cllr David Taylor, Cabinet member for Operations said, ‘We take pride in the way we look after our parts of the magnificent West Suffolk landscape and I imagine driving these vehicles will add to that sense of a job well done. These first EV work vehicles will be followed by more as they become due for replacement. They join other electric equipment we are now using, such as EV road sweepers, ride on mowers and electric strimmers. All quieter, cleaner and easier to use.’

Cllr Gerald Kelly, Cabinet member for Governance and Regulatory said, ‘As well steady progress like this on our own net zero journey, we are supporting our communities on theirs. We are working with local groups to tackle obstacles, find funding and share ideas. I believe their creativity and commitment are the key to success. It is an exciting time, seeing things happen and feeling the appetite for change .’

The next EVs to be delivered are likely to be a fourth Kangoo for the area play inspector and an EV digger for the cemeteries service.


Posted in categories: press release, news, Environmental-news

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