£330,000 investment in Guineas public toilets completed

12 Sep 2023

Cllr Hind in new Changing Places facility at Guineas toilets 400x300

Upgraded conveniences with Newmarket's first Changing Places facility are now open following the £330,000 upgrade of the Guineas public toilets.

Both male and female toilets have been refurbished and new facilities have been added including the town’s first public Changing Places toilet with external access. On the female side, one toilet has become a family cubicle, and there is now a dedicated baby changing room. The toilets and disabled facility on the male side have also been upgraded.

Cllr Diane Hind, Cabinet member for Resources said,

These well used facilities are in the heart of the town and have been upgraded as part of the Capital Programme. An important element of the project has been energy efficiency and measures such as improved insulation, LED lights, and new hand dryers have been installed. The old gas boiler has been replaced with an air source heat pump and photovoltaic panels will be mounted on the roof to generate electricity. There are also water conservation measures such as replacing the old free flow taps. I’m pleased that the project has been completed on time and to budget, ready for the autumn.’

Cllr Indy Wijenayaka, Cabinet member for Growth said,

‘This is all part of our support for a prosperous town centre, with the toilets serving people using the buses, car parks and shops. The project has been run in close association with the Guineas and other town centre organisations, to minimise disruption. I’m pleased that residents and visitors to the town for the autumn meetings will be able to use these high quality facilities.’

To apply for a key for the Changing Places facility please see Changing Places toilet - The Guineas Shopping Centre

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