West Suffolk Council scores in top 10 on environmental action

19 Oct 2023

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West Suffolk Council  has been scored in the top 10 places for district councils in the country for climate actions, according to a leading climate change organisation.

The scorecard awarded by Climate Emergency UK was independently assessed using publicly available sources, such as web pages, press coverage and annual reporting .  West Suffolk Council was scored as joint eighth out of 181 district sized councils in the country with Stroud and North Kesteven District Councils.

The scores were awarded across seven sections, based on the expert-approved checklist for Council Action Plans. West Suffolk Council scored 43 per cent overall with the district average nationally being 29 per cent. The full scorecard can be found at Climate Emergency UK - District Councils’ Climate Action Scorecards  

Cllr Cliff Waterman, Leader of West Suffolk Council, said,

‘I am pleased with this recognition of the council's actions and ambitions in reducing carbon emissions and protecting biodiversity. Although necessarily a snapshot, it does confirm the areas we are now developing, not just embedding climate action across all council activities, but also giving tangible support to local residents, communities and businesses to reduce their own impacts.

'As a new administration this year, we said we want a change of pace. This Climate Emergency UK score underlines the importance of our well-structured action plan in achieving that. And of our fresh focus on support for community groups,  with the £1m Decarbonisation Initiatives Fund.

'Improvements are getting tougher to make, but we have commitment, solid groundwork and a great plan.  I believe by working together, we can maintain this excellent progress.”

Posted in categories: press release, news, environmental-news

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