Call for Christmas bin-fluencers

27 Nov 2023

Christmas Bin Collection Thumbnail 2023 (400 × 300px)

West Suffolk Council is calling for Christmas bin-fluencers to share information on festive bin day changes to make sure friends and neighbours don’t miss a collection over the holidays.

Cllr Dave Taylor, Cabinet member for Operations said,
"Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year and bins due to be emptied on 25 December will be collected two days earlier, on Saturday 23 December. All other bins will be emptied one day late over the Christmas and New Year period, with normal service returning on Monday 8 January. We’re grateful as always for the help of our brilliant bin-fluencers in helping neighbours and friends to put their bins out. This arrangement worked well last year and the fact it went so smoothly was undoubtedly thanks to the way that neighbours looked out for one another.

“We are also asking households to keep up the good work with recycling. This is a busy time of year and slip ups are easy - but contamination costs a lot. Please make sure glass goes in the bottle bank and only clean, dry recyclables go in the blue bin. If in doubt, check this link Suffolk County Council- What can I put in my recycling bin? We are all trying to reduce waste, and to re-use more. There are lots of tips such as avoiding food waste, on this site.”

Residents can check which bin to put out and when by using their postcode on Find my Nearest or check When are my bins emptied?

Cllr Taylor added
"I want to thank everyone for the amazing support you give our bin crews. I know they would like to wish all the residents they serve a very merry Christmas and happy, healthy New Year.”

Posted in categories: press release, news, environmental-news

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