Parliamentary General Election 2024

29 May 2024

Man posting his ballot in the box

The parliamentary general election to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons will be held on Thursday 4 July 2024. Each of the 650 constituencies will elect one MP to represent local residents.

West Suffolk Council will be responsible for the administration of the election for the Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket Constituency, and the West Suffolk Constituency.

The list of candidates will be published on Friday 7 June at: Voting at elections.

The election count will take place overnight from Thursday 4 July to Friday 5 July 2024. The result for West Suffolk will be published on: Current vacancies and elections.

Register to vote

Electors do not need to register to vote before every election, however if they have not registered before or have changed their name, address or nationality, they will need to register to vote. The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming general election is Tuesday 18 June. To register to vote, visit: GOV.UK - Register to Vote.

Ways to vote

There are three ways electors can cast their vote: at a polling station in person, by post or by proxy. More information about ways to vote and online application forms for postal and proxy voting, is available online at: Electoral Commission - Voting and elections.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday 19 June and the deadline to apply for a proxy vote is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June.

Voter ID

Electors that are voting at polling stations will need to show photographic identification documents (ID). Those that do not have eligible ID can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate and the deadline to apply is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June. The list of accepted forms of photo ID and the application form for a Voter Authority Certificate is available online at: Electoral Commission - Voting and elections.

Working at elections

There are several opportunities to work during the election period, including as a presiding officer or poll clerk at a polling station, or as a count assistant after the polls close. For more information about the temporary positions available or to apply, visit: Working at elections.

Posted in categories: press release, news

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