Taxi driver’s request at first forum could see policy change agreed

04 Mar 2025

Newmarket Taxi

A taxi driver’s request for West Suffolk Council to amend part of its licensing policy could be answered next week when Cabinet discusses making the changes.

As part of an effort by the council to try to increase engagement with the taxi trade, West Suffolk Council has started to hold driver and operator’s forums. The purpose of these forums is to allow drivers and operators to discuss any issues or concerns they have. It also provides the council with an additional method for communicating and ensuring the trade is up to date on national and local changes that affect them.

The first of the forums was held earlier this year during which a West Suffolk driver asked for the council to consider a change to its policy around the maximum age of vehicle drivers are allowed to use.

The council’s policy adopted in 2022 included a requirement due to come into effect in April this year, for all taxis and private hire vehicles to be no older than 15 years old. This does not include electric or zero emission vehicles.

The policy was intended as a way of trying to remove older, higher polluting vehicles from the roads, helping to deliver a cleaner, more environmentally friendly fleet.

At the forum, the driver highlighted that since the policy had been adopted, the Department for Transport had issued guidance which states, “the setting of an arbitrary age limit may be inappropriate,” and that emissions should be managed through vehicle testing

Cllr Gerald Kelly, Cabinet Member for Governance, Regulatory and Environment wrote to the trade after the forum to say the council wouldn’t be enforcing the vehicle age limit while this policy amendment is being considered.

And next Tuesday will see him ask Cabinet to agree to the change.

“As the licensing authority with a responsibility to our communities, and to economic growth, we want many of the same things as the trade,” Cllr Kelly said.

“We want the taxi trade to thrive. We want people to feel and be safe, and to be confident both with the driver and the vehicle, and the taxi service as a profession.”

“We want people of all ages and abilities to be able to access taxis and to feel like they are getting the same high standards of service that many drivers undoubtedly pride themselves on.”

“And we want to work with the trade as national changes come in around vehicle emissions including the eventual phasing out of new petrol and diesel cars.”

“In all of this, we want to have more of an open dialogue between the council and the trade, to listen and to work collaboratively towards these common aims.”

“That’s why I’m delighted that one of our drivers asked for this change at our forum – it’s what it’s there for. I will be asking Cabinet to agree the change next week and through listening and delivering change, I hope we will encourage more drivers and operators to take part in the forum.”

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