25 by 25: Suffolk's challenge to businesses to tackle the climate emergency

17 Mar 2023

25 by 25 Effective action for a greener Suffolk. Your business has a part to play in net zero

The launch of the ’25 by 25’ campaign sees Suffolk businesses urged to pledge a 25 percent reduction in their carbon emissions by 2025.

 The Carbon Charter, Suffolk's hub for business sustainability, is launching the campaign to inspire and empower local businesses to take their first steps towards net zero.

Peter Frost, the Lead for the Carbon Charter said "Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious, and the desire to use purchasing power to change the world is a growing trend in the economy. So much research into consumer attitudes and behaviour shows that more of the population than ever are making decisions with the environment in mind, whether that be what they choose to purchase, or their lifestyle choices. If businesses want longevity, they need to adapt their operations and show their customers they are evolving."

To ensure the commitment is met, all businesses that pledge will have access to fully subsidised support delivered by the Carbon Charter and charity Groundwork East through the Net Zero Business Advisor programme. The consultancy includes energy audits, carbon footprint calculations, communications support and more to suit the needs of the business.

June Davenport, the lead for the Net Zero Business Advisor Programme for Groundwork East said: "Groundwork will have supported 330 businesses by end of March to start and progress their net zero journey to sustainability and it is clear that many will benefit from continued support to make their ’25 by 25’ carbon reduction pledge as part of this exciting opportunity for Suffolk."

Businesses that pledge will also have access to a support pack for the 25 by 25 campaign, along with tools to promote their commitment to their customers.

The 25 by 25 campaign and support has been funded by Suffolk’s Public Sector Leaders as part of Suffolk’s wider ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

Industrial and commercial emissions is a key focus of the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan; a strategy agreed by all Suffolk’s local authorities to drive the county towards net zero.

The term ‘net zero’ simply means not contributing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. For an organisation to achieve net zero, they will have reduced their emissions as much as possible as well as balanced out any that remain by removing an equivalent amount. This would mean the business has reduced its environmental impact to establish a sustainable future.

Businesses that pledge will be able to display the bold 25 by 25 badge to show customers they are taking action against climate change.

Pledge a 25 per cent reduction in your business’ carbon emissions today. Find out more here on the Carbon Charter website: Carbon Charter - Will you make the 25 by 25 pledge?

Posted in categories: press release, news, campaigns, environmental-news

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