Funding available for community action on climate change

29 Jan 2024

Ecocarriers Bury St Edmunds

Funding is now available for community projects which are tackling climate change and carbon reduction.

Applications are being invited for The Suffolk Climate Action Community Match Funder which is available to charities, community interest companies, parish councils, voluntary groups and other not-for-profit organisations, whose projects contribute to Suffolk’s Climate Emergency Plan.

The fund is provided by the Suffolk Public Sector Leaders Group, and administered by the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership, as part of its work on climate action.

One local group who has already benefited from this funding is the Bury Bike Train, run by Ecocarriers Bury St Edmunds. It’s a project which enables children to ride their own bikes to and from school in a group, supported by adult cyclists.

Libby Ranzetta, one of the founders of Ecocarriers Bury St Edmunds, said: “The funding has been a real boost, helping us to run over 250 Bike Trains to and from school since the project began, with over 1,250 passengers in total. The money helped us to train our marshals and buy the equipment we needed to run the project and make it sustainable after its first year. Our aim is to get people cycling so they don’t need to use their cars so much. This is good for the planet, air quality and our health.”

The fund offers match funding of up to 50 per cent, or a maximum of £10,000 towards the cost of a project. Projects could include:

  • Improving the energy efficiency of buildings (for example: solar panels, insulation, glazing)
  • Promoting walking and cycling (for example: organised walks and rides, community bike schemes)
  • The use of sustainable or recycled materials (for example: building refurbishment, play areas)
  • Raising awareness of climate change through events (for example: community events to promote low carbon)

Cllr Gerald Kelly, Chair of the Suffolk Environment Cabinet Members group, said: “There is so much fantastic work going in our communities to help tackle climate change, whether village halls are installing solar panels and heat pumps, or innovative projects like the Bury Bike Train are reducing the number of car journeys. We want to help encourage and support this work across the county, with so many people supporting the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan by reducing carbon emissions and protecting Suffolk’s environment.”

Visit Suffolk Climate Action Community Match Funder for full eligibility details and to submit your applications.

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Posted in categories: press release, news, environmental-news

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