
The chair is elected by the council annually. The chair presides over all council meetings and also represents the district at social, charitable and civic functions.

At annual council held on 14 May 2024, Councillor Pat Hanlon was elected as Chair and Councillor Phil Wittam as Vice-Chair for 2024-2025.

Freedoms and Aldermen

Freedoms and Aldermen status granted by Forest Heath District Council or St Edmundsbury Borough Council were transferred to West Suffolk Council on 1 April 2019. Forest Heath awarded Freedom of the District to Nigel Roman on 20 March 2019. For a list of those who were awarded Freedom status or Alderman status by St Edmundsbury Borough Council and its predecessor councils, download: Admissions to the Honorary Freedom of West Suffolk subsequent to the Honorary Freedom of the Boroughs Act 1885 and Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972

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