Current incidents, warnings, and preparing for emergencies

What you should do in an emergency

  • If an emergency occurs dial 999 and alert the appropriate emergency service.
  • If the building is on fire – Get Out, Stay Out and Call 999.
  • If there is no fire or other dangers in the building, consider the – Go In, Stay In, Tune In rule.
  • If possible and safe, pass on warnings to neighbours and check on the vulnerable people living near to you.
  • Limit phone calls – it keeps lines free. Someone may be trying to contact you!

Get prepared

Emergencies can have serious impacts on lives and property. We encourage you to ‘get prepared’ to help yourself, your family, your community and your business should the unexpected happen. Getting prepared will also enable our partners and emergency responders to help those most in need such as elderly or vulnerable people. The Suffolk Resilience Forum website (Suffolk Prepared) has information on how to prepare for an emergency:

Information and advice about warnings relating to weather and floods and how to prepare for them

Warnings and alerts

Flooding advice

Heatwaves and drought advice

High temperatures can have a significant effect on people's health, especially if they last for at least two days and the nights in between. The most vulnerable groups include the elderly, the very young and people with long-term medical conditions. Knowing how to keep cool during long periods of hot weather can help save lives.

If a heatwave hits this summer, make sure the hot weather does not harm you or anyone you know.

Winter weather advice

Preparing for a power cut

  • Keep the UK Power networks free phone number handy
  • Keep spare batteries for radios and torches – local radio stations often broadcast helpful information
  • Keep an old-fashioned corded phone which you can plug in, as cordless phones won't work in the event of a power cut
  • Dress warmly in several layers of clothing, stay in one room or even get into bed
  • Take care if using candles, tea-lights and other naked flames
  • Keep fridges and freezers closed, with a blanket over as they will stay cold for many hours
  • Switch off all your electrical equipment, except one light which will let you know when the power comes back on
  • Remember the street lights may also be off so take care if you go out
  • Look out for elderly neighbours; please consider taking them round a flask of hot water or hot food

For any power cut enquiries please contact UK Power Networks 24 hours a day:

  • Phone 0800 31 63 105 or 0333 32 32 105 if calling from a mobile
  • Visit UK Power Networks for the latest update.
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