Parish and town councils
Parish and neighbourhood plans
Parking and travel
Blue Badge Scheme (parking permit) (Suffolk County Council)
On street parking in Bury St Edmunds
Temporary road closures for events (Suffolk County Council)
Parking fines
Parking for motorhomes
Parking permits
Street parking, permits and visitor vouchers
West Stow Country Park car park
Aspal Close Local Nature Reserve
West Stow Anglo-Saxon village (external website)
West Stow Country Park and Anglo-Saxon Village
West Suffolk parks, open spaces and places for hire
Parkway car park
Pay for it
Personal licence
Alcohol and entertainment licences
Pest control
Planning and building regulations
Planning and building regulations
Street naming and numbering properties
Planning applications
Breaches of planning permission (planning enforcement)
Planning applications one-stop-shop
Planning decisions
Appeal a planning decision or enforcement notice
Planning enforcement
Breaches of planning permission (planning enforcement)
Planning policies
17-18 Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds
Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan
Play areas
Suffolk Police (external website)
Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner (external website))
Policies, strategies and plans
More policies, strategies and plans
Parish and neighbourhood plans
Policies, strategies and plans
Population statistics
Potholes - report a pothole
Report a pothole (Suffolk County Council)
Premises licence
Alcohol and entertainment licences
Privacy and cookies
Privacy notice for development management
Privacy notice for disabled facilities grant (DFG)
Privacy notice for electoral registration and elections
Privacy notice for empty homes grant
Privacy notice for food registration
Privacy notice for home assistance grant (HAG)
Privacy notice for home security grants
Privacy notice for houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
Privacy notice for lost or found dogs
Privacy notice for skin piercing licence
Privacy notice for surveys and information gathering
Privacy notices for Planning and Regulatory Services
Private hire and hackney carriage licences
Taxi and private hire licensing
Private housing
House in multiple occupancy licence
Private landlords and homeowners
Private rented accommodation and shared ownership
Property services
Find commercial land and premises
Public rights of way
Public rights of way and access in Suffolk (Suffolk County Council)
Public toilets
Changing Places toilet - Mildenhall Hub