
Help us keep west Suffolk a litter free zone by putting your rubbish in the bins provided. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 those caught littering can be issued a fixed penalty notice of £80 rising to £2,500 if this is taken to court.

To report a litter problem please contact customer services. We will clean up litter on land that we are responsible for, such as roads, pavements and public parks.

We can serve notices to the occupiers of business premises or private land requiring them to clear it. We can also take steps to prevent the land being defaced by litter again.

Why not organise a litter pick?

If you would like to organise a litter pick, visit our Love Where You Live page to find out more.

If you want to get inspired, you can read about litter picking events, across West Suffolk, in our Love Where You Live newsletter

Suffolk Against Litter campaign

For information about the Suffolk-wide litter campaign, please visit our Suffolk Against Litter page

Abandoned shopping trolleys

Abandoned trolleys can cause significant environmental issues as well as being a hazard for pedestrians, motorists and wildlife. They can also pollute and waterways and obstruct the flow of water.

If you notice an abandoned shopping trolley please report it to the supermarket that owns it directly. If you have done this and the issue has not been rectified then please contact Customer Services.

Broken glass

We are responsible for removing broken glass from public areas and not private property. We aim to remove broken glass within 24 hours if it has been found in a play area and within 48 hours in all other areas.

To report broken glass please contact Customer Services.

Dead animals

Where safe to do so, the council removes dead animals, such as deer, foxes and badgers from the public highway, where they are causing an obstruction or hazard. The service does not cover the removal of dead animals from private land. Once we have collected an animal we arrange for its disposal.

Wherever possible dead dogs and cats that are reported and collected will be taken to a vet and scanned for microchip information. We will then try to contact the registered owner.

To report a dead animal please contact Customer Services.

If you suspect that the dead animal has been a victim of a wildlife crime then please contact the police on 101.

Syringes and needles

Needles and syringes should be disposed of safely using a sharps box. Visit our Reporting drug related activity and drug litter page for information on what to do if you find a syringe or needle in a public area.

If you do receive a needle stick injury, please refer to the NHS website for advice: NHS - What should I do if I injure myself with a used needle?

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