More information about street parking and permits

Frequently asked questions

1. How does a typical neighbourhood parking scheme work?

  • Neighbourhood parking schemes are intended to manage on-street parking to ensure a fair chance of residents parking somewhere near where they live.
  • Neighbourhood parking schemes operate during normal working hours when parking spaces may otherwise be occupied by commuters or shoppers.
  • A neighbourhood parking scheme does not guarantee a parking space.
  • Permits are issued to eligible residents for an annual fee of between £30 and £80.
  • The cost of administering and enforcing the scheme is met by the sale of the permits

2. Can a neighbourhood scheme work in my area?

  • Is your residential area close to the town centre or in a location where commuters often park?
  • Do residents rely on on-street parking because there are limited off street facilities?
  • Is the area well defined and large enough to establish a scheme that is self-financing from the sale of permits?
  • Is there sufficient interest from local residents for such a scheme?

If the answer to the above questions is yes then a neighbourhood scheme may work.

The council keeps a list of areas that are awaiting investigation for such a scheme. If you live in an area that you think will benefit from a scheme and wish for it to be considered then please contact 

To apply for a permit or vouchers, please use the application forms for the relevant parking zone or for more information please contact a member of the Customer Services team on 01284 757335 or email

3. How much does a parking permit cost?

The cost of a parking permit ranges from £30 - £80 depending on the zone. 

4. Who can apply for a permit?

Any household in the streets included in the scheme can apply for a permit. Some schemes allow two permits per household. Please read the individual terms and conditions for more information.

5. Are streets subject to neighbourhood parking schemes reserved exclusively for parking by residents?

No. In some schemes there are limited waiting areas where members of the public can park for a limited period but residents displaying a valid permit can park for an unlimited time. People visiting can also park in a scheme area if displaying a valid visitor voucher for that zone.

6. Who enforces the schemes?

Residential permit areas are enforced by Civil Enforcement Officers employed by issuing authority. They are uniformed, authorised to issue Penalty Charge Notices to vehicles not displaying a valid permit. In schemes where limited waiting, double or single yellow lines, loading bays, disabled bays a residential permit would not be accepted, motorists risk a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

7. What if I have visitors?

Single use visitor vouchers can be purchased for some schemes. These must be displayed in the vehicle of the person visiting you. Please note that vouchers are only valid for one day, therefore if you scratch off two dates on one voucher, it becomes invalid. Carers and doctors are eligible for free permits. Contractors permits are also available for tradesmen who need their vehicle nearby to carry out work to your property. We do not exchange out of date visitor vouchers.

8. Am I guaranteed a parking space?

No. The council does try to balance the number of permits available to the number of spaces but demand for parking varies at different times. Sometimes road works or works by utility companies are necessary and will temporarily restrict parking places.

9. I am moving in/out of the area - can I park a removal van outside my house?

It is often difficult to park a large vehicle in the town, so a little pre-planning by you can make this easier for you and the removal company.

Please look at the Neighbourhood Parking Scheme maps to see if your new property is within a permit parking scheme. We advise that, if possible, you inform the nearest neighbours, and cone off a space on the night before your move. You may find that you can liaise with the people moving out, so that your lorry/van can take the space previously occupied by their vehicle.

If there are single or double yellow lines where your removal van would like to park, then you must contact the local Neighbourhood team on 01284 774100 (be prepared to leave your contact name and number as they may have an answerphone).

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