Strategic planning
Strategic planning includes:
- local plans
- neighbourhood planning
- supplementary planning documents (SPD's) and guidance
- brownfield register
- section 106 and community infrastructure levy (CIL)
- supporting information including:
- local development scheme (LDS)
- statement of community involvement (SCI)
- authority monitoring reports (AMR) and five year housing land supply (5YHLS)
- housing delivery study and housing action plan.
Register your details on the online consultation portal to receive updates on:
- consultations on the local plan
- neighbourhood planning
- strategic housing and economic land availability assessment (SHELAA)
- supplementary planning documents
- concept statements and community infrastructure levy.
Please note - we cannot always guarantee that documents produced by external organisations, and published on our websites, are fully accessible. If you need a particular document in an accessible format please contact us.
Local plans West Suffolk Local Plan review and current adopted local plan documents for the former Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury areas -
Supporting information Local Development Scheme (LDS), Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) and five year land supply -
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and guidance Including concept statements, development briefs and masterplans, management plans, technical guidance notes and guides -
Neighbourhood planning A neighbourhood plan is a community led framework for guiding the future development, regeneration and conservation of an area. -
Brownfield Register The brownfield land register will provide up to date and consistent information on sites that local authorities consider to be appropriate for residential development having regard to certain criteria. -
Section 106 and the community infrastructure levy (CIL) Section 106 and the community infrastructure levy are mechanisms to ensure appropriate infrastructure is provided as part of any application for development.