How does the Bury St Edmunds MAP address the issues

The draft Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan (MAP) sets out aspirations for the town centre, based on the options put forward by the public, that aim to address the issues identified through research, analysis and consultation. The overall aim is to set out a coordinated plan to provide for the needs of existing and new communities and support economic development in Bury St Edmunds, as set out in Vision 2031.

These aspirations are proposals at this stage and will need more detailed work on their deliverability. They will be subject to the availability of funding and land, the work of other partners, as well as the possibility of further consultation.

At this stage we are consulting on these aspirations and your feedback will help shape the final proposals.

The aspirations put forward in the MAP refer to specific ‘Character Areas’ across the town centre, as described on the other side of this document. These are organised around the overarching themes of movement, activity and place. Many are closely interlinked supporting one or more themes.


The MAP proposes a range of measures that will improve the way people move around the town centre, with a particular focus on more sustainable forms of transport. These include:

  • pedestrianisation or part pedestrianisation of specific areas of the town centre to enable safer and easier travel
  • improvements to pedestrian areas which link the town centre together
  • easier and safer pedestrian and cycle routes into, out of and around the town centre
  • increasing car parking capacity to improve choice and ease current and potential parking issues
  • encouraging vehicle routes and access that support the mix of uses within the town centre
  • making improvements to bus travel.


The draft MAP proposes a number of opportunities for supporting and increasing the range of uses that take place in the town centre. These include:

  • improvements to the town centre, making it easier, safer and more convenient to move around and access the activities that take place.
  • supporting the retail and leisure offer in the town centre by providing opportunities for new and expanded businesses
  • enabling mixed use developments (for example, shops, restaurants and accommodation) to be developed, making the town more interesting and attractive to spend time in
  • identifying areas within the town with the potential to become the sites for new activities
  • bringing  the town centre together with activities and spaces in its surroundings.


The MAP provides a structure for the town centre drawing together existing streets, spaces, uses and areas of activity that take place and celebrating the historic character and identity of Bury St Edmunds. This includes:

  • setting out the town centre character areas, defined by their appearance, historical interest or the uses that take place there
  • making the character areas, neighbourhoods and quarters easier to get around by linking them, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists
  • improving opportunities for physical exercise and enhanced mental wellbeing, by making the town centre safer, easier to get around and more attractive
  • recognising the importance of the historic environment, preserving and enhancing key locations
  • using the adopted streetscape guidance to inform the design of the streets and spaces in the town centre.

As a supplementary planning document, the MAP does not set out particular uses for specific sites, this is the role of a local plan.  Rather it suggests where uses might take place and changes be made based on the character, position and current use of areas. It provides a coordinated future vision for the town centre, setting the scene for specific individual projects to take place.

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