Supplementary planning documents

Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) set out more detailed information in support of existing policies contained in a local plan. An SPD does not form part of the local plan but is a material consideration on planning applications.

Adopted SPDs

These SPD's set out the council's approach to the provision of open space and recreation facilities in conjunction with new housing development.

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Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan (December 2017) - The masterplan has been prepared in order to supplement and help implement policies set out within:

The masterplan has been formally prepared as a supplementary planning document (SPD) thereby forming part of the statutory planning policy framework for Bury St Edmunds.

The document is in the form of a map which can be printed at full size on AO size paper. When viewed electronically, it is possible to zoom in to view any element in detail.

Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan (September 2015) - The masterplan has been prepared in order to supplement and help implement policies set out within:

The masterplan has been formally prepared as an SPD thereby forming part of the statutory planning policy framework for Haverhill. It also replaces the town centre masterplan which was adopted in 2005.

This document has provided a robust framework for regeneration in the town centre and has guided significant investment into the town centre particularly through securing enhanced leisure and retail provision.

West Suffolk Affordable Housing (November 2019) - This SPD updates and replaces the 2013 Affordable Housing document. It is a material consideration when making planning decisions. This SPD has been produced to expand on policies set out in the core strategies of the former Forest Heath (CS5) and former St Edmundsbury (CS9) and to provide clear policy advice to ensure the delivery of affordable homes in West Suffolk. The SPD gives guidance on the amount of affordable housing contributions sought from housing developments; affordable housing providers; affordable housing provided through on and off site contributions; development viability impacts; rural exception sites; S106 agreements for affordable housing and management and occupancy arrangements.


West Suffolk shop front and advertisement design guidance (February 2015) - This supplementary planning document provides guidance to improve the general standard of shop front design and advertisements throughout West Suffolk. It aims to provide an understanding of the design of shop fronts and advertisements that the local planning authorities in West Suffolk will support when reaching a decision on any planning application or application for advertisement consent. It forms part of both councils' planning policy framework, supplementing the design and conservation policies of each councils' core strategy and the joint development management policies local plan document. The document in itself will not be part of the formal development plan for either authority. It will inform and be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.


Former St Edmundsbury Open Space, Sport and Recreations Facilities (December 2012) - This SPD sets out the council’s approach when considering planning applications:

  • For new residential development, which is likely to generate demand for access, to and use of open space and recreation facilities.
  • For development on open space in West Suffolk, whether it is in public or private ownership.


Former Forest Heath Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities (October 2011) - This SPD sets out the council’s approach when considering planning applications:

  • For new residential development, which is likely to generate demand for access, to and use of open space and recreation facilities.
  • For development on open space in West Suffolk, whether it is in public or private ownership.


West Suffolk Sports Facilities Assessment (March 2022) - This document sets out the current and future needs for indoor sports facilities. The methodology for the study follows the 'Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guidance' (2014) approach developed by Sport England.

West Suffolk Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Facilities Assessment (February 2022) - This document sets out the current and future needs for outdoor sports facilities. The methodology applied to assess the needs and opportunities for sports facilities follows Sport England's recommended approach, advocated in 'Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guidance' (2014).

West Suffolk Public Open Space Assessment (December 2021) - This document recognises the role of open space provision as a resource to West Suffolk as a locality. this document focuses on reporting the findings of the research, consultation, site assessments, data analysis and green infrastructure mapping that underpin the study. It provides detail regarding what provision exists in the area, its distribution and accessibility. It will help inform direction on future provision of accessible, high quality, sustainable open space provision in West Suffolk. It can help to inform the priorities for open space provision as part of future population distribution and planned growth.

The contributions calculator is available upon request.

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