Environmental news

26 July 2023

Financial support to help make West Suffolk homes warmer

West Suffolk Council is analysing over 5000 homes identified as being among those hardest hit by the cost of living crisis in order to offer fully funded energy efficiency work that will save money for those in most need by reducing fuel bills, keeping them healthier and helping to reduce their carbon footprint.

25 July 2023

Help for Suffolk pre-payment meter customers

A package of support has been created for pre-payment meter customers in Suffolk who are struggling with their energy bills.

25 July 2023

Norfolk and Suffolk residents urged to accept Food Savvy mission to reduce food waste and serve another day

Households across Norfolk and Suffolk are being urged to sign up for a mission to do their bit to protect the planet and help get the best out of salad and vegetables.

20 July 2023

West Suffolk Council is making progress on tackling climate change

West Suffolk Council's Cabinet discussed its environmental performance report at their meeting on Tuesday, 18 June, and agreed the council was making good progress against its baselines but needed to do more to accelerate the process.

13 July 2023

West Suffolk Council making progress on tackling climate change

An environmental performance report shows that West Suffolk continues to make progress on climate change but also shows the need for more ambitious plans.

6 July 2023

‘Eye-opening’ youth conference on climate change

Young people heard a key note speech by wildlife presenter and award winning photographer Megan McCubbin from BBC's SpringWatch at Suffolk's first youth conference on climate change hosted by the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership this week.

29 June 2023

Micro areas of biodiversity encouraged to help the environment

Micro areas of biodiversity are being encouraged around West Suffolk as part of the West Suffolk Council’s wider policy on reducing the use of weedkiller and encouraging plant and insect life.

28 June 2023

Suffolk launches £150,000 Match  Funder scheme for community action on the climate emergency

A £150,000 fund has been opened to applications from not-for-profit organisations looking to deliver community-based carbon reduction projects in Suffolk.

26 June 2023

First electric street sweeper quietly hits Haverhill’s streets

The first electric street sweeper in West Suffolk Council’s fleet is at work in Haverhill, keeping the town’s air cleaner as well as its pavements.

13 June 2023

Greater focus on a more sustainable West Suffolk

A new working group will bring more ambition and focus to West Suffolk Council’s drive to tackle climate change and environmental issues across the district.

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